How many pairs of athletic shoes do you have? If you do a lot of sports and outdoor activities, you could end up with running shoes, cycling cleats, hiking boots and more. But what about lifting shoes? Did you know it’s advisable to have a pair of shoes solely for lifting weights? They’re different from running shoes because they have a smaller support cushion. This helps prevent injury from rolling a foot.
Weightlifting shoes do more than just prevent injury, though. They also promote good form and technique. Weightlifting shoes are quite versatile and can be worn for activities like jumping rope and indoor cycling. We’ve compiled a list of the top weightlifting shoes, based on their ability to suit a variety of needs, their comfortable fit and their durability. Here are our 8 top picks for weightlifting shoes:
Best overall: Nike Metcon 7X
This shoe is versatile and durable, and it comes in a wide array of sizes, though only a limited selection of colors. It’s flexible and supportive, with a wide flat heel, lightweight mesh upper and a neutral base of support. It’s good for everything from kettlebell swings, squats, lunges and deadlifts, to HIIT classes or treadmill intervals.
Best for competitive lifting: Nike Romaleos 4
A high-quality shoe for serious lifters, it’s not built for other activities. With a wide base, hard heel, noticeable heel-to-toe drop and adjustable broad straps, this shoe is designed to provide stability and support. It allows you the opportunity to focus on power cleans and snatches. Minimal flex in the upper portion provides a solid base for explosive lifts.
Best for CrossFit: Reebok Nano X1
Nanos have always been designed for CrossFit, and the latest model is built to allow you to jump, climb, lift and run short distances without changing shoes. They provide optimal support during quick movements, and the Floatride Energy Foam offers lightweight and responsive cushioning. They’re not good for running long distances, though.
Best for squats: Reebok Legacy Lifter II
You might not think that you need any particular shoes for squats, but the right footwear can help you maintain proper form and techniques. What makes Reebok Legacy Lifter II perfect for this is the fact that it has a taller heel to properly align the hips as you move toward the ground, while also stabilizing your ankles so you don’t lean too far forward. It’s a great shoe for taller people with longer legs because it provides stability.
Best for powerlifting: Adidas Powerlift 4
Useful for various types of weightlifting, it’s perfect for powerlifters because it provides support for a wide range of moves like squats, snatches, deadlifts and jerks. It’s also stylish enough for everyday wear and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. It’s not a good shoe for running, and it’s not suitable for CrossFit.
Best style: Converse Chuck Taylor All Star High Tops
These shoes come in a variety of fun colors and patterns and are stylish enough for casual street wear. However, they can be too bulky for many exercises beyond lifting. Chucks have long been known for their style, but the wide toe box provides stability and the ankle support takes pressure off of your joints, making them great for lifting.
Best for wide feet: Rogue Fitness Do-Win Weightlifting Shoes
Rogue Fitness makes high-quality gym equipment, and these weightlifting shoes are no exception. Built for wider feet and competitive lifters, it has a wide toe box and a hard plastic heel that’s the preferred height for Olympic lifting.
Best for narrow feet: Adidas Adipower Weightlifting II
For people with narrow feet, these shoes are ideal. They have a double-closure system that provides a snug fit and won’t let your heels slide around. The rubber outsole provides traction for stability and support. Because it closes with laces and straps, the fit will always be firm while not too tight.
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