Physical injuries can disrupt your fitness routine, leaving you wondering how to maintain strength and endurance. Regardless of if it is a sprained ankle, a pulled muscle, or a more serious injury, exercising while injured is a tricky task. Some people believe in pushing through the pain, while others prefer to take a break from workouts altogether. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dangers of training through the pain and discuss effective exercises for injury recovery.
Can Working Out with an Injury Hurt or Help?
Exercising while injured can be beneficial to your overall health and injury recovery only if you exercise the right way. Maintaining joint mobility and aerobic fitness should be your main focus, avoiding high-impact exercises. Low-impact exercises such as cycling, swimming, and yoga can build strength, improve circulation and flexibility and help you recover faster. Ensure you don’t put too much stress on the injured area and don’t do more exercises than your body can handle.
Should You Train Through the Pain?
Training through the pain can aggravate your injury and delay recovery. Pain is your body’s way of communicating with you something is wrong. It’s essential to respect and listen to your body when recovering from an injury. If it’s uncomfortable or painful, stop. Continuing to work out through the injured area may worsen the injury and make it worse than before. By allowing your injury to heal, you can get back to your routine sooner.
When Can You Push Harder Through the Pain?
Once you’ve recovered from an injury, you can work at your standard fitness routine gradually. However, it’s important to know your limits and not push yourself past them. If you begin to experience pain, you’ll need to scale back your workout intensity or take a break to let your body heal. Keep a record of the progress you make so you can determine when it is safe to increase your exercise intensity.
How to Workout Safely for Injury Recovery
Some exercises can help heal your injured body part and prevent collateral damage. Strengthening the muscles around the injured area can be beneficial to both recovery and future prevention. Light weightlifting, bodyweight exercises and non-weight bearing movement can be great ways to keep your body active. It’s crucial to rest sufficiently after each workout session to give your body time to heal. For specific rehabilitation exercises, consult a physical therapist or a qualified injury recovery specialist.
Injury recovery may come with some frustration, but it doesn’t have to end your fitness journey. Respect your limits, listen to your body and adjust your workout accordingly. Don’t push yourself too hard or do anything aggravating to your injury during the healing process. Exercise will often take longer than you’d like for your body to recover, but it’s always possible to regain strength and endurance if you stay consistent and focused. By following these tips, you can maintain your fitness while still giving your body the time and resources it needs to recover. Visit one of our Wellbridge Family of Athletic Clubs (Colorado Athletic Club, Sports & Wellness, Maryland Athletic Club) today to learn more!