“Healthy Employees Make Healthy Companies”

Middle aged man doing cardio in gym

General Mills found that participants in their employee fitness Program had a 19% reduction in absenteeism compared to a 69% increase in absenteeism for non-participants.

American Journal of Health, February 2018


Union Pacific Railroad found that 80% of their employees believed that their exercise program helped them to be more productive.

Health Values September 2019

A woman smiling in the swimming pool

Johnson & Johnson averaged a 30% return on its yearly investment from its employee fitness program over 12 year period. A positive return on investment.

Preventive Medicine May 2019

Valued Options to Partner With Us

Provides your company with fitness, wellness, team building events
for year-long value and rewards.

• Your company agrees to subsidize a portion of discounted monthly dues

• The Club agrees to match the Diamond Company subsidy up to $20 monthly per employee

• Employees receive the Fit Tips digital newsletter with events, fitness articles, insight and activities to keep them engaged

Platinum full subsidy partnership

The premier partnership for your company to show a strong commitment that promotes fitness,
wellness and team building activities 365 days a year.

• Your company agrees to subsidize employees discounted membership dues at our lowest rates

• Provides membership opportunity for all employees for year-round use

• Provides your employees with fitness, nutrition, event and additional saving opportunities in a monthly digital Fit Tips newsletter

• Provides use of the facility for company social and team building activities

Restrictions may apply

Company Offered Fitness

Help Improve Employee Recruitment and Retention